Monday, July 12, 2010

Tattoos For Endometriosis

mainstream design / didier saco

mainstream / the word is of American origin and means the public, the dominant popular / he can have a connotation positive / culture the term can mean mainstream culture for all negative or within the meaning of hegemonic culture
mainstream film is a film that targets a wide audience, a mainstream media mass media, he wants to be mainstream means that he wants please everyone
and mainstream product is a product that sells massively

fréréric martel analysis through 1200 interviews in 30 countries for 5 years and 400 pages, the world-wide strategies to those who are trying to build the culture that appeals to everyone, worldwide, for now

each of us has already lost its innocence on "creation" of American films for over twenty years, built around three criteria: age / plus or minus 25 years, gender / male or Women and the color / white or "non-white" / it is from these categories that the target audience of the film is determined, the ideal of to produce a "four-quadrant movie," the film that potential audience for women and men over 25 years or less, and the riskier the film may not appeal only to girls under 25 years all studies showing that they follow the boys to see action films, while boys do not follow them to see movies "girls"
marketing campaigns, distribution networks, calendars based on religious festivals and vacation, "focus groups" to test the film during editing, speaking time, music time, time for action and emotion are times when installed, and counted calibrated to obtain a "feel-good movie, a film that feels like the viewer to feel good, and the maximum impact mainstream

the mainstream culture is through 3 women in the U.S. media Pauline Kael, Tina Brown and Oprah Winfrey, installation of personal responsibility, wellness, positive thinking, health, good harmony of the couple, home decor, recipes such as thematic essential for their supports and interventions, giving voice equally at michael jackson and Bill Clinton talking about his personal life as stars, the rappers, police officers, heads of foreign states or to the "girl next door", the local girl, unknown

everywhere in the world today, China, India, Brazil, Cameroon and Egypt until, Oprah Winfrey has become the model for leaders who imitate television, and today is one of the women's best known and richest states united, and the only black billionaire American

the mainstream design, this could be the title of the exhibition currently using, in Paris, which hosts each year as the digest of 18 schools Design in France, from Paris to Reims and reindeer Orleans

the surprise and the general interest of this exhibition is that 90% of the parts is shown in wood / benches, desks, tables, shelves / wooden unpainted undyed, polished and polite

wood is the ideal first response of mainstream 2010s, the face of global environmental insecure /
everyone is "reassured by the wood": easy access, retrieval and unconstrained Cooking, flexibility, nobility and familiarity of the material, even if each of us knows the reluctance against the illegal timber pillaged in tropical forests, carbon exorbitant expenses necessary for the transport of exotic woods and end of life impossible for wooden furniture when they are stuck with non-recyclable materials

but this is not the only
response and if the mainstream design, design that pleases everybody, is the path most effective design to give his voice, his recognition and market share, all materials and all the materials, the aluminum, porcelain, glass, textiles, water, sound are available to us, mutants and accessible

each apartment every dream home at the same time Ikea kitchen cupboards, still unmatched to this day, and a console Hervé Van der Straeten in his driveway / 2 are all design

design European ones has 3 advantages / European demography that grows and creates many potential design enthusiasts, its stories, the camp escurial cloth of gold, the Parthenon and bed brita pitcher ended the Breton fiat, and its creators contemporary avignon Aix, Basel, Zurich, London, Milan, Pavillon de l'Arsenal in Paris and in all the galleries that host

the mainstream European design is design that pleases everyone, taking account of all everyone, its origins in Brittany, his respect for German thoroughness, his passion for Italy and its connections, 24 hours on 24, with the cultures of the world

/ Tal Lancman and Maurizio Galante / cushion stepmother 14 rue d'Antin Paris France 2 /
/ exhibition design schools 2010 through 33 avenue daumesnil France paris 12 until August 29
/ mainstream / Frédéric Martel / Flammarion / 22.50 EUR

How To Change Port Royale 2 Save

Design / The gap is the center / Anne-Marie Buille

Gilles Deleuze saw in modern cinema the refusal of the traditional sequence of images by similarity or contiguity in favor of the gap.
The passage, the gap is at the heart of the theoretical reflection of the designer Andrea Branzi, an ethics of intervention that we proposed during his CONFERENCE June 24 at the Arts Decoratifs

.* Like most architects and designers, Andrea Branzi taking the measure of human history that stretches and grows from shapes too complex to allow us a comprehensive and universalizing its future. The idea of progress that has long given the keys of interpretation sytems the world is no longer operative to draw a dynamic of our actions and our lives to a final truth accepted by all.

If we suspend any time mink or universalizing understanding of human history, "go back into the table," says Branzi, abandoning any distance, any prospect or creepage become uncertain as to their destination.

We live in a circular time, "he said, where everything changes without changing, but no definitive solution is cyclical.
By restoring meaning to the gaps, operating mini transformations on existing space that we will more humane and readable hyperextension of our cities.
The great transformations of labor will be born on the microstructure, interfaces are less aggressive, more poetic involving the active contribution of each of us, with its own identity.
design has become a mass design, it penetrates our domestic economies and the interstices of everyday life, the infinitely small to the sevice of ethics and aesthetics of our daily lives.

Its role is important: "Charting of possible models of a frail urbanization" of territories with fluid boundaries and functions unclear, "the models fragile "characteristic of societies where politics, economy and culture have lost the strength of their basis and can no longer coexist in a harmonious system or to confer a stable and robust in our cities."

What else does this society which is expressed through an infinite number of signs and products but can never build the cathedral in which generally recognize each other?
simply move forward, always increase when the center was evacuated by a vigilant attention, aesthetic and human what happens in the gap, the imperceptible, the infinitesimal displacement.

By moving a few centimeters of whole territories, its intermittent nature, experimental and molecular size, design is being "put in place a new tectonic."

• In progress, as described utopian design, progress is it still relevant?
• Illustration: Andrea Branzi Passaggi-