Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Installation Incomplete Asus Express Gate

meteorite / Monique Vervaeke

"Looking away, observing closely, Meteorite," Gabriele Pezzini is a reflection, philosophy of simplicity in s 'inspiring meteorites.

And if the sky, instead of falling on our heads, could pave the way for the imagination ...

Gabriele Pezzini reintroduced into the design of the fun design work of the primary elements that are water and earth.

These elements are mixed, resist, interact. Mixed by the hand of man, they turn to each other and produce forms, overlays striated cells. Playing with the material, but also invent the subject and, as expressed Enzio Manzini, wondering about the invention of the matter.

The creative process, initiated by the creator, doing a course that includes uncertainties. The elements are traversed forces, stakeholders in the process of exploration of new possibilities. The trajectory of the project is discussed by Gabriele Pezzini from notions of observation, analysis, reflection, experimentation, practice, intuition, vision, manual dexterity, courage and magic.

meteorite / Gabriele Pezzini / Archibooks / 12.00 EUR


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