Sunday, April 5, 2009

Can I Get Sepsis From A Tooth Infection


Klangkabarett The project was born of an encounter between musicians of different influences and schools. At a time when music, open to the world, offers so many possibilities, yet the questions remain the same. What language reflects our best ideas? How touching and how to query? The cabaret

seems to unite the components that still work today. As show satirical humor and derision are modes of expression which we believe. But as space research and theatrical sound: an exuberant dance, complaint of a clarinet recital of revolutionary texts, all are actors, musicians, instruments, sounds, narrator. All are in the service of social and political demands which are, however, hardly changed.

On one point, however, we are detached from the cabaret of the last century: the text, often loses its original meaning, it then becomes his abstraction. The sound becomes a character in itself. Thus the ambiguity that appeals to the tavern since its creation is here clearly shown in a music that runs regularly from figurative to abstract.

We share a song sounding the 30s, then just change the voice mail or stamps, it expands the syllables, words and leaves it leaves room for improvisation in which one can imagine a number dance a little cartoonish for after the old tunes back in force as if they did not want all this happens without them.

The principle of the cabaret is that it mocks itself.
The cabaret scene as instrumental.


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