Monday, September 6, 2010

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circles of matter / didier saco

First, there is the first circle: wood, paper, textile, water and light
these are matters which are closest to us they
we are familiar from childhood / we touch, we know they are part of our immediate environment and we have a thousand memories and a thousand ideas for work
also, they are easy to approach and require no tools, workshop and factory out of reach of the individual / this is why they are the preferred materials by design schools and those from which most of the projects is completed graduation

then there's the second circle: that of plastics, or polymers, which have emerged in the '50s and invade us, both in our daily life and in our environment when we discover, frightened, in forests, beside the rivers or on the shores of the masses of plastic waste by waters rejettées

if plastics are not really they offer the great advantage of always new and always the great disadvantage of the cheap / they also offer, and is essential for the creation, to be the preferred material for the public as they adapt to all forms , part time and have become the emblems of consumer society

alas, the last 10 years spent in the promotion, culture and education for sustainable development and research materials fully recyclable and non-petroleum-based seem to stand by for the moment and maybe even at risk faltering economies and meet the additional costs associated with bio / +70% for fruit and vegetables, according to a study of the association rural families published by the Cross on August 24 last

the third circle is made of precious materials: the glass and porcelain / precious by their fragility, the difficulty or impossibility to associate with other materials and by the number of steps required to manufacture / 50 people, excluding design and marketing, are the chain manufacturing a piece of porcelain

the fourth circle is that metal / Iron, steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, gold, silver and bronze / this is the farthest from us because its production is linked, in real and in our imagination, an entire process out of human scale, violent, full of fire and noise and stiff, the opposite of all creation and all sensitivity

course, each of us knows that aluminum, the extraction extremely energy intensive, the material is metal that is recycled the better / but do we really know the virtues, benefits and shortcomings of iron, bronze, steel, zinc and Copper?
beyond images of ironworks, steelworks, noise, transport, metal halo is much violence, both in its manufacturing that sometimes used in its military, that its difficult to grasp concrete / l Accession to the workshop, kiln, blacksmith shop, the factory is not simple, as the manufacturing apparatus seems heavy

yet many of us it carries, and Eric Schmitt, Herve van der Straeten, Gerard Garouste, Bernar Veney and Jean-Michel Wilmotte excel

learning the material metal, design schools, is difficult, even impossible, given the necessary manufacturing facilities and beyond measure for schools / is probably one major reason for our distance to the metal

perhaps we are distant with eternity /
key advantage of metal, such as stone, all other materials, is its resistance to the passage of time / idea for many of us design is perhaps related to the temporary in the fleeting, the dazzling in the event, and the prospect of finding in 2000 years, one of our creations at the bottom of the Rhone, is she more afraid Enver, for now

Materiology / mainly on materials and technologies for use by designers / MateriO / Birkhauser

frame design and foundry workshop December 9th 10 / Strate College Designers / 27 Avenue de la Division Leclerc 92310 Sèvres
contact and registration Alain Reynaud /

Eric Schmitt / ramp montmorency / bronze /


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