"Stupidity: by breathing presence everywhere and always in the air. Atmospheric presence, somehow *
Marka Hensen, director of the Gap brand, would be wary of when on October 4, the group decides to surreptitiously change the logo of the brand.
Change why? For a logo "more modern", "more in tune with the times", to "assist the development of the brand," while at the same time enrolling in the tradition "is still confounded by such weakness of intent or non-vision that shatters the boundaries of marketing banality and the result was at the height of the project.
hard to imagine a global brand is still young, that we may hope still full of energy and with a network of more than three thousand shops, could suddenly forget
no brand does not belong to any
fact it is not enough to change the figure to activate the link with public
at first glance, for all those who chose , its logo represents a landmark mentally strong, a major sign of recognition, and more a sign of belonging
that we do not handle a sudden commonplaces the deep meaning of a function that builds brand identity traditionally values, an imaginary figure and a logic of its own
any gesture of change, to make sense, must be accompanied by speech, belief, a project that engage and extend the story.
And The Last but not least, Gap has simply forgotten that the web is not only paved with good intentions.
Because air time is the precipitation, Gap wanted to unravel at the worst time the symbolic link which unites it to its audiences.
Georges Lewi benchmark it takes three generations to build a legendary brand / first generation receives the difference and accompanies the heroic period of the mark, the second generation (this is where Gap has tried to force fate), the more difficult to convince gives confidence to the mark made by parents / no chance for Gap, 730 000 children are on the web have risen as one man
And the third generation will be aware of cultural and societal contribution of the brand that will su all stages and may engage in sustainable loyalty. The zeitgeist can do nothing.
A brand to see a little further and say enough conviction and commitment to express the relationship of trust it wants to build with our audiences.
* Stupidity / Albin Michel Lucien Jerphagnon
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