Sunday, October 17, 2010

Buying Wings Wholesale

The second snood Maxiplume polar strongly the winter!

Here the second snood! to follow up the post of the day. Done in a jiffy needle # 10! Model No. 17 (No. 042-T10-129) accessories catalog Phildar No. 42. This is typically the model can be done by a beginner-mesh wool and hides the flaws. it rises more quickly, we are very quickly reached the end of 5 balls that are only 25 m each .

SNOOD Maxiplume Polar

You have 5 balls Maxiplume Colour Polar.
Needles No. 10 (I knitted No. 9 because I tended with this wool knitting loose).

Make a sample to 10cm jersey needle. No. 10 = 6 sts and 10 rows. To make this

snood: climb 14 stitches, aig.10, knitting jersey. A 190 cm (I got to 180 cm with needles No. 9), cast off all stitches loosely. Fold in two and sew the ends together by invisible seam.

This snood is a true gentle giant boa. With it you are ready to face the great frosts of winter! Generous wish, it will be halfway to your black coat and spotless white Snowpack ....


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