Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kate Playground Harcore Movie

Design / Anne-Marie Buille

School of Ulm, left bank of the Danube, functioned only thirteen years (1953-1968), his teaching, his research methods and Creation was the challenge of lively discussions, passionate, sometimes sterile. This manifesto anonymously captures the spirit and it is still oddly relevant.

"Yes, in our society, the design must be considered a social and cultural development, however it should not be glorified as a messianic activity.
Yes, we must consider market economy, in contrast, do not belittle the design to its mercantile value.
Yes, the design must be considered a tool of technological and scientific progress; however, it should not be designed as an end in itself, science and technology.
Yes, the artistic faculty is working in some areas of design, however, the whole design can be seen as an art of substitution.
Yes, under certain conditions, the design can be seen as a critique of consumer society, however, one can not hope to change society by not only transforming the objects it serves.
Yes, there must be a critical consciousness to intervene rapidly in the consumer goods industry and communication, however, do not understand the phenomena of our technological civilization with a critical awareness simply passive and resigned. "Where does

that are posted at regular intervals about the design, the same questions, the same suspicions of submission, the pressure of technology, art, market, fashion, show ... .
The design does not have to protect themselves from any critical attitude, she was defensive,
After all, it marks legitimately questioning, a practice, a position, strategically at the crossroads of influences from all the productive forces of society.

It is simply time to question seriously the autonomy of practice and ambition to become a separate discipline.
It is time to set directions and framework for a systematic investigation, investigating all aspects and modes of intervention design, the types of links it has with all other disciplines, technical, technological, human sciences and Social marketing and communication.
The time has come, particularly for France, out of a design under the influence, to create conditions of possibility of a "genuine design research."

the Ulm school: "Texts and Manifestos Herbert Lindinger.Centre Pompidou
Illustration" The combination radio-phonograph SK4, Hans Dieter Rams and Gugelot
Product copy of the school of Ulm


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