Real or imaginary, which may decide as the graphic power of posters Michal Batory needed in the flash of its short-circuit? Michal Batory
operates and takes the quick reality and richness of meaning of objects and materials "at hand" hack it in the lair of his mysterious workshop reconstructed by his will in the first room of the exhibition which is devoted to the decorative arts.
"Objects are a machine of memory" said another of his countrymen, the great inventor of theater that was Tadeusz Kantor: "They are the ashes our emotions. "
Spirit totally free and ready to seize the report the most direct and most fusion between the object and idea, Michal Batory is a true surrealist.
But it goes far beyond the process of juxtaposition which is unusual too often muffled Surrealism, "the famous chance encounter of an umbrella and a sewing machine on a dissecting table."
No chance in the compositions of Batory, imaginary realization of its power is increased to its highest level of rigor, precision and technical perfection. Michal Batory
not faking it, he imagined, built and reality minutely his idea from everyday objects, plants, fragments, parts of body image can do everything.
Revolution photoshop has scarcely moved, mostly it's handmade.
Art collage combined with a very talented expressionist acute metamorphosis of the object, posters Batory produce images strikingly modern imposed on us in their amazing reality. For
Michal Batory, everything starts with the design: "When I have an idea, I Crobard, making sketches win some days of work because in the sketch, we can give free rein to the imagination. I choose two or three good tracks and I began to realize. "
A talented designer who contributes to freedom of imagination and strength of his posters acuity of his gaze. Evidence that the design remains the easiest way to express the fusion of form and concept (notice to photoshopers and amateur 3D!).
But what illuminates his singular art is exhilarating and subversive spirit found in each of his posters, the share of risk he willingly claimed his approach to any order, old
A reflex defense time he mentions his years in Poland with malice when to thwart the eye of censorship often short-sighted on the subtle "provocative" slipped surreptitiously into his creations. Michal Batory
Artisan Poster
Decorative Arts January 20-April 30
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